#!/bin/sh set -eu # Coder's automatic install script. # See https://github.com/coder/coder#install # # To run: # curl -fsSL "https://dev.coder.com/install.sh" | sh usage() { arg0="$0" if [ "$0" = sh ]; then arg0="curl -fsSL \"https://dev.coder.com/install.sh\" | sh -s --" else not_curl_usage="The latest script is available at https://dev.coder.com/install.sh " fi cath < Sets the prefix used by standalone release archives. Defaults to /usr/local and the binary is copied into /usr/local/bin To install in \$HOME, pass --prefix=\$HOME/.local --binary-name Sets the name for the CLI in standalone release archives. Defaults to "coder" To use the CLI as coder2, pass --binary-name=coder2 Note: in-product documentation will always refer to the CLI as "coder" --rsh Specifies the remote shell for remote installation. Defaults to ssh. We build releases on GitHub for amd64 and arm64 on Windows, Linux, and macOS, as well as armv7 on Linux. The installer will cache all downloaded assets into ~/.cache/coder EOF } echo_standalone_postinstall() { if [ "${DRY_RUN-}" ]; then echo_dryrun_postinstall return fi cath < EOF fi } echo_dryrun_postinstall() { cath </dev/null || true STANDALONE_BINARY_LOCATION="$STANDALONE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/$STANDALONE_BINARY_NAME" sh_c="sh_c" if [ ! -w "$STANDALONE_INSTALL_PREFIX" ]; then sh_c="sudo_sh_c" fi "$sh_c" mkdir -p "$STANDALONE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin" # Remove the file if it already exists to # avoid https://github.com/coder/coder/issues/2086 if [ -f "$STANDALONE_BINARY_LOCATION" ]; then "$sh_c" rm "$STANDALONE_BINARY_LOCATION" fi # Copy the binary to the correct location. "$sh_c" cp "$BINARY_FILE" "$STANDALONE_BINARY_LOCATION" "$sh_c" chmod +x "$STANDALONE_BINARY_LOCATION" echo_standalone_postinstall } # Determine if we have standalone releases on GitHub for the system's arch. has_standalone() { case $ARCH in amd64) return 0 ;; arm64) return 0 ;; armv7) [ "$(distro)" = "linux" ] return ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } os() { uname="$(uname)" case $uname in Linux) echo linux ;; Darwin) echo darwin ;; FreeBSD) echo freebsd ;; *) echo "$uname" ;; esac } # Print a human-readable name for the OS/distro. distro_name() { if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then echo "macOS v$(sw_vers -productVersion)" return fi if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then ( # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . /etc/os-release echo "$PRETTY_NAME" ) return fi # Prints something like: Linux 4.19.0-9-amd64 uname -sr } arch() { uname_m=$(uname -m) case $uname_m in aarch64) echo arm64 ;; x86_64) echo amd64 ;; armv7l) echo armv7 ;; *) echo "$uname_m" ;; esac } command_exists() { if [ ! "$1" ]; then return 1; fi command -v "$@" >/dev/null } sh_c() { echoh "+ $*" if [ ! "${DRY_RUN-}" ]; then sh -c "$*" fi } sudo_sh_c() { if [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then sh_c "$@" elif command_exists sudo; then sh_c "sudo $*" elif command_exists doas; then sh_c "doas $*" elif command_exists su; then sh_c "su - -c '$*'" else echoh echoerr "This script needs to run the following command as root." echoerr " $*" echoerr "Please install sudo, su, or doas." exit 1 fi } echo_cache_dir() { if [ "${XDG_CACHE_HOME-}" ]; then echo "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/coder/local_downloads" elif [ "${HOME-}" ]; then echo "$HOME/.cache/coder/local_downloads" else echo "/tmp/coder-cache/local_downloads" fi } echoh() { echo "$@" | humanpath } cath() { humanpath } echoerr() { echoh "$@" >&2 } # humanpath replaces all occurrences of " $HOME" with " ~" # and all occurrences of '"$HOME' with the literal '"$HOME'. humanpath() { sed "s# $HOME# ~#g; s#\"$HOME#\"\$HOME#g" } # We need to make sure we exit with a non zero exit if the command fails. # /bin/sh does not support -o pipefail unfortunately. prefix() { PREFIX="$1" shift fifo="$(mktemp -d)/fifo" mkfifo "$fifo" sed -e "s#^#$PREFIX: #" "$fifo" & "$@" >"$fifo" 2>&1 } main "$@"